2 Products | |
Front Loading Washing Machine |
9kg, 1600rpm, Steam Smartfinish, Stainremoval, Iqdrive, Variospeed, Led Display, Chrome/ Black Door
'In Stock' The item is in stock at our warehouse and is available for despatch or collection 'Due in soon' The item is on order with the manufacturer and is due in to our stock shortly
'Available from (date)' If you order the item today we would expect it into our stock on the given date.
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Fully Integrated Built-In Washing Machine |
Push&go Function, Water Balance Plus, Auto-clean Machine Cycle, Inverter Motor, Wool Care Programme, Special Sports Prog...(more)
'In Stock' The item is in stock at our warehouse and is available for despatch or collection 'Due in soon' The item is on order with the manufacturer and is due in to our stock shortly
'Available from (date)' If you order the item today we would expect it into our stock on the given date.
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